Product Description
Get the ultimate Iron Man 2 experience with this special edition loaded with bonus features that take you inside the suit, plus a digital copy of the film that you can watch anywhere, anytime! Now that Tony Stark’s superhero secret is revealed to the world, he must once again suit up in order to face his most dangerous enemy yet – but not without a few new allies of his own!
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #1 in DVD
- Released on: 2010-09-28
- Rating: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
- Aspect ratio: 2.35:1
- Number of discs: 3
- Formats: AC-3, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Subtitled, Widescreen
- Original language: English
- Subtitled in: English, French, Spanish
- Dubbed in: French, Spanish
- Running time: 124 minutes
Editorial Reviews
After the high-flying adventures of the first Iron Man picture, the billionaire arms manufacturer and irrepressible bon vivant Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) finds himself nursing a hangover. But not like any hangover he's had before: this one is toxic, a potentially deadly condition resulting from heavy metals (or something) bleeding out of the hardware he's installed in the middle of his chest. This is the problem Stark needs to solve in Iron Man 2, not to mention the threat from resentful Russian science whiz Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), whose father helped create the Iron Man technology. There's an even bigger problem for the film: the need to set up a future Marvel Comics movie universe in which a variety of veteran characters will join forces, a requirement that slows down whatever through-line the movie can generate (although fanboys will have a good time digging the clues laid out here). Actually, the main plot is no great shakes: another Iron Man suit is deployed (Don Cheadle, replacing Terrence Howard from the first film, gets to climb inside), Stark continues to bicker with assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), and a weaselly business rival (Sam Rockwell) tries to out-do the Iron Man suit with an army of Vanko-designed drones. Mickey Rourke is a letdown, burdened by a wobbly Russian accent and looking skeptical about the genre foolishness around him, and Scarlett Johansson has to wait until the final couple of reels to unleash some butt-kickin' skills as the future Black Widow. That climax is sufficiently lively, and the initial half-hour, including Stark's smirky appearance before a Senate committee and a wacky showdown at the Monaco Grand Prix, provides a strong, swift opening. But the lull between these high points is crying for more action and more Downey improv. --Robert Horton
Customer Reviews
An Awesome Superhero Film!!!
I thought this movie was awesome and just as good as the original. It's filled to the brim with action, explosions, suspense, and comedy. The film takes place six months after the original, and Tony Stark is loving the fame and publicity he's made with Iron Man. Tony is slowly being poisoned by the palladium in his arc reactor, until he can find a replacement. He soon develops a drinking problem. During a race at Monaco, Tony is attacked by Ivan Vanko/Whiplash. Whiplash teams up with a weapons manufacturer to perfect a line of armored combat units that will upstage Tony. The units begin to attack, which are remote-controlled by Whiplash. Iron Man must team up with War Machine in order to save the day. I highly recommend IRON MAN 2!!!
Worth a watch, but underperforms.
The first Iron Man film still stands as the best pure superhero movie in my mind. It was like a perfect storm of awesome visuals, great cast, new and old takes on various aspects of the source material, and popcorn fun. Every single aspect of that film just struck me as exactly right. Was I looking forward to the sequel? Don't ask stupid questions. So how does the sequel fare? Read the review title, genius. Alright, I'm sorry. I'm in a bit of a bad mood because I expected much more than I got. But here's the thing: I actually loved Iron Man 2 on some levels. But I have to face the fact that this movie was only saved by probably the most phenomenal cast I've ever seen onscreen. A well put-together film does not rely entirely on the performances of the cast, but is merely enhanced by them. Aside from the witty dialogue, too much of this production simply did not click. World peace? From one dude in a suit? How? Why? Let's see a movie about that! The likes of Celestial Being and Captain Nemo couldn't do it and their stories are pretty involved. How'd this happen? You expect the audience to buy that the world laid down their arms in response to the appearance of one superhero? Garbage. There is shockingly little action for a sequel to the brilliant origin story of the first film. The sequel's primary draw is the comedy. Most of it is excellent, but some of it is flat-out cheesy because they simply put too much of it out there. Did anybody want to see Tony Stark stumbling drunkenly around in full armor at his birthday party? Did we really want to wait until the final act to see a serious action set piece? Is it too much to ask that Rhodey have a better part to play and his relationship with Tony re-established along the way considering there's a new actor in the role? And for the love of God, I do not EVER want to see Bill O'Reilly's mug on the big screen ever again. Favreau, I'm putting you on notice. You made me throw up in my mouth a little with that one.
The whole production of Iron Man 2 felt unpolished and thrown-together. It BARELY squeaks by as a worthy follow-up because it still kicks the snot out of Spider-Man 3. Okay, I've ranted and raged about what's wrong with Iron Man 2. What's right? The cast, the cast, THE CAST! Robert Downey Jr is still brilliant as expected. Gwyneth Paltrow's endearingly flustered Pepper Potts is still strong as expected. So what else is new, right? Well, Mickey Rourke. Wow. I was not expecting that amount of coolness from the villain in this one. Rourke plays Ivan Vanko (aka Whiplash) like a Russian Danny Trejo. Covered in tats and scars, grinning sardonically, toothpick hanging out of his mouth, killer accent, and laid back as hell. This man just great to watch. He seems to have popped right out of a Tarantino flick. His benefactor is the compulsively-punchable Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell), a professional rival of Tony Stark and one cheesy bastard. The guy's mannerisms are so naturally geeky I almost want to cheer for him. But he's such a corny d-bag, I'd rather see him get kicked in the nuts. Either way, a fun little punching bag for the proceedings. I wanted a bigger role for the unnaturally beautiful Scarlett Johansson, but her Black Widow is primarily relegated to eye candy until the final act. Thankfully, I've never seen a more gorgeous character onscreen so the role works on that level. But would it have killed her to put on a hot accent? Natasha Romanov should have a Russian accent as a general rule. Does Samuel L Jackson need an introduction as Nick Fury (psst...he's really just playing himself as usual). All of this goodness kind of leaves Don Cheadle the odd man out, but it's alright. With all the impressive performances onboard there was no way for James Rhodes to stand out from this cast. That is, until he finally gets to rock The War Machine to the utmost. This takes too long to happen. Stupid, crappy pacing.
Is that the longest I've ever raved about a cast? I think it is. Well, when we finally get the big action throwdown we've been waiting for it's awesome, but it's over fast. I guess they didn't want to pay ILM any overtime. Boo. But the dialogue and the actors are so strong that these things are surprisingly easy to overlook. I seriously wonder how much of that stuff was improvised because it just seems so completely natural it's hard to believe it was written and performed. That is the highest praise, really. The soundtrack drops plenty of Clash on you along with some James Brown, Queen, Tupac, and of course AC/DC. One could do worse. Not in love with the end credits though. Oh, and if thee hath plans on leaving before the credits are through, I say thee nay! Marvel's got something for you. Seeds are sewn for the upcoming Avengers film along the way including a special part for a certain star-spangled deflection device that the frame-by-framers spotted in the background of the first film. Well played, Mr. Faveau. Well played. The thin story may have been better if it had focused more on Stark working with SHIELD as an anti-terrorism agent and utilized Black Widow as more of a double agent whose allegiance is in doubt. Would have been much more Marvel, much less Hollywood, more action-packed, and even potentially socially relevant. Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Iron Man 2 clearly fails to live up to the credentials of it's flawless predecessor. In fact, it's almost like a really lengthy and really cool commercial for Marvel's next projects. I expected much, much better from the man who made my favorite superhero movie ever but what I got was better than acceptable all things considered. I didn't leave the theater angry and aside from being assaulted by a raving FOX News lunatic bad-mouthing Miss Potts, nothing about this sequel really made me want to rip the director a new one. If you weren't thrilled by the first film, I wouldn't rush out to by this blind; and to the rest, keep your expectations in check and you should emerge relatively unscathed if not impressed.
3 1/2 stars, rounded up for visions of Scarlett dancing in my head. [Read More Review....
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